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The Rising Sun Charitable Trust exists to provide direct financial assistance to those families who have had Australian (Army/Navy/Air Force) soldiers:

  • Killed In Action (KIA); or
  • Lost to, or severely impacted by, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) related illness.

Definition of “families” and “soldiers” is as follows:

  • “Families” Wives/husbands (legally married); Wives/Husbands (divorced and not re-married and with soldier having at least 50% custody of any dependent children); De-facto Spouse; biological children or children legally adopted; Mothers and Fathers (biological or those legally adopting soldier); Brothers and Sisters (biological or those legally related through adoption or similar)
  • “Soldiers” = Army/Navy/Air Force member current or retired, who must have joined the military no earlier than the Year 1990.

If you fit into the categories described above, we want to hear from you such that we can get you the help you need. Please hit the “Get Support” button below to give us the information we need to get you the help you need as quickly as possible.

You’re one step away from getting the support you require.